Dry and dehydrated skin occurs as a result of many factors, including stress, diet, environmental factors and inadequate skin care. A lack of moisture leads to a weakening of the skin's protective barrier, resulting in the faster appearance of...
A healthy diet, regardless of the season, is one that is properly balanced, i.e. prepared in accordance with the so-called food pyramid. The creator of such a pyramid, which is simply a graphic showing the types and...
Mature skin especially needs good cosmetics that contain active ingredients responsible for slowing down the aging process. In the world of skin care, new active ingredients appear and disappear at a rapid pace....
The right facial care routine affects the healthy and youthful appearance of the face, as well as our well-being. So it is crucial to determine our skin type, which will allow us to choose the right type of cosmetics....
Skin aging is a long-term process. From noticing the first facial wrinkles to the formation of prominent furrows, as well as a significant loss of firmness, even several decades pass.
It's natural that when you hear the word "hydration," you think of water. And rightly so. Moisturizing your skin means increasing its water content. If your skin is dehydrated, it can become flaky, dull and dry....
A beautiful complexion is a goal that many of us strive for. It looks radiant, fresh and, above all, healthy. It is not the result of having a lot of cosmetics. It is her daily care that has a huge impact on how she looks.